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  • 1. What is outline planning?
    An OUTLINE application sets out the principles of what will be built. The height, width, length and location of key buildings and spaces, the uses on the site, how the streets and spaces will be arranged, and the types and amount of open space, play, streets and parking areas. It doesn’t look in detail on what the buildings will look like and the materials used. The OUTLINE application will be set out in a range of documents and drawings: - The principles of how the masterplan will be arranged and how tall the buildings will be are set out on PARAMETER PLANS e.g. the "rules" about how the buildings will be designed in detail and how they will work will be set out in a DESIGN CODE. - The masterplan will be explained in a DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT and other example detail will be included such as examples of interior layouts of new homes. - The impact of the proposals will be tested in the ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT and a range of other documents. - An ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN and model will set out how the scheme might look in accordance with the PARAMETER PLANS and DESIGN CODE. If outline permission is granted more detailed and specific information for each plot or block needs to be submitted as a RESERVED MATTERS application before anything can be built.
  • 2. What are the next steps?
    The aim is to submit an outline application in Spring 2024 subject to design and ongoing discussions with the relevant authorities. Following the outcome of this, detailed design work and reserved matters applications will be submitted ahead of a start on site. We will be able to share a timeline following the determination of the outline application.
  • 3. Is this a different process to the past projects to secure planning permission for the site?
    Yes, this is a new masterplanning process that started in June 2023. We are exploring a range of uses and while the railhead will be retained we are making better use of the land that it takes up alongside the cement plant to create more space for other uses in the masterplan, including ones that open up the site to public access for the first time. Network Rail is committed to carrying out extensive community engagement and responding to feedback where possible.
  • 4. How much housing will there be and who will it be for?
    The team is still exploring whether there will be housing as part of the masterplan. We have some information in our initial designs to show where and how housing might be included. In future events we would hope to have more clarity around what housing may be included.
  • 5. Why is there industrial land in an area that has residential around it and is becoming more residential?
    From a planning perspective the land is designated as Strategic Industrial Land (meaning it has to be retained for industrial use). The railhead is recognised as a specialist function and provides an important role in removing HGV’s from roads across the country. Network Rail is looking at options to release other parts of the site for a range of uses, potentially including residential in order to help improve the relationship with the surrounding neighbourhoods.
  • 6. How will the masterplan address the visual, dust and noise impact of the railhead and concrete plants on surrounding communities?
    We have heard people’s feedback about the impact of the site and we are looking to mitigate them by: Looking at enclosing a lot of the operations within buildings Looking at ways to enclose and neaten storage of aggregate Screening with planting and introducing sound barriers Lighting the buildings and adding other decorative elements
  • 7. How will the masterplan reduce the impact of HGVs on the surrounding roads?
    Responding to community feedback we want to bring the majority of Heavy Goods Vehicles from the site directly onto the A12 reducing their presence on Marshgate Lane. We are working with statutory stakeholders to mitigate our site’s impact on the Wick Lane junction, and to allow all freight traffic to leave the site via Bow West. This includes upgrading the bridge over the River Lea to allow a free flow of traffic and trains. We are currently working jointly with LLDC and Atkins in our project team to understand pressures on the junction.
  • 8. What is happening in the immediate future to improve the site and surrounding areas?
    We don’t have any detail on this at the moment but we will be preparing a Meanwhile Use proposal, which will include working through ideas proposed by the community and will come back to people when we know more.
  • 9. Will there be public/ resident parking?
    In principle this will be a car free masterplan in terms of public and resident parking. There are limits on the number of public use vehicles allowed within the Olympic Park. The industrial and workplace uses will be assessed on an individual basis to establish parking requirements.
  • 10. Will this scheme be able to create new public routes from the A12 east?
    It will not be possible to create safe public routes because of industrial use and the rail head. However, we are looking for the masterplan to provide public access to parts of the site including access to the canal. There are ongoing plans from Tower Hamlets and LLDC looking at improving the pedestrian crossing over the A12.
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